Review: InstaNatural Peppermint & Lemon Essential Oils

These items were provided by InstaNatural for review. All opinions are that of Nature’s Pulchritude and have not be influenced in any way, shape, or form.


Essential Oils first made their way into my routine several years ago, when I purchased 3 to add to conditioner for a pre-shampoo treatment. I’ve also used essential oils for aromatherapy and in at-home pedicure soaks.  I used InstaNatural‘s Peppermint and Lemon Essential Oils for those purposes!

Product Details:

Consistency: Liquid
Color: Yellow
Scent: Peppermint & Lemon
Environmentally Friendly?: Yes, Recyclable Glass Container.
Animal Testing?: No.


These products are labeled as 100% pure and natural essential oils, therefore there should be no fillers or additives in this product!  Both essential oils clearly identify the taxonomic nomenclature (genus and species) of the plants they were extracted from.  The Peppermint Essential Oil is steam distilled and the Lemon Essential Oil is cold pressed.  Unlike other essential oils these oils are not labeled as “aromatherapeutic,” though they are intended for use an essential oil diffuser.

Peppermint: .95 Globe
Lemon: .95 Globe



The Peppermint Essential Oil is POTENT!  I could smell the Peppermint through the box it was delivered in and there were no spills or leaks!  The lemon is not as strong but still has a crisp scent.

Peppermint:  1 Globe
Lemon:  .97 Globe



These products only have one ingredient and also identify the genus and species of the plant the essential oils were extracted from.  However, these products do not state what part of the plant (i.e. leaves, stem, rind) the oils were extracted from though the extraction method was identified.  The Peppermint and Lemon Essential Oils are not labeled as being scientifically checked (via gas chromatography/infra-red spectroscopy, “GC/IR verified”) for purity.

Peppermint: .9 Globe
Lemon: .9 Globe


Peppermint: 2.85/3 Globes 
Lemon: 2.82/3 Globes

Both the Peppermint and Lemon Essential Oils are good quality products.  They are both labeled very clearly, though the can add information on verification of authenticity and part of the plant or fruit the oils were extracted from as well as their country of origin.  If you decide to use the Peppermint Essential Oil in a pedicure soak, be sure to wash off the oil throughly as you will feel the high menthol content of the oil if there is a breeze!


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